Lønn Cyril Ramaphosa

President - Sør-Afrika
Født: 1952 South Africa
  • Årlig: NOK2,386,166.00
  • Månedlig: NOK198,847.17
  • Ukentlig: NOK45,887.81
  • Daglig: NOK9,177.56
Cyril Ramaphosa
This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Cyril Ramaphosa er en sørafrikansk politiker, forretningsmann, antiapartheidaktivist og fagforeningsleder. Han ble innsatt som landets president 15. februar 2018 da Jacob Zuma trakk seg etter å ha blitt avsatt av ledelsen i ANC. Ramaphosa var visepresident fra våren 2014 til 15. februar 2018. Den 18. desember 2017 ble han leder av det politiske partiet ANC.

Wikipedia page about Cyril Ramaphosa

Business Insider Africa May 2022: $223,500

Iol.co.za Feb. 2020: The commission has recommended that public representatives at national, provincial and local government levels, members of the judiciary and magistrates and traditional leaders, be paid between 3% and 4% more, backdated to April last year. The commission’s recommendations mean that Ramaphosa’s salary would increase from R2.99m to about R3.1m.

Businestech March 2019: Ramaphosa’s salary for 2019 is budgeted at R3.9 million,


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2023-2
